Holy Crimes

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Holy Crimes is a collection of crimes of love, the little things lovers do oblivious, innocently, inadvertently, sometimes deliberately and guiltily.
The joys of love are compacted in the mystery behind the history love has written since time immemorial, it continues to write and shall write even in days to come.
When that one single day the lover wakes and feels fluttering like a butterfly, dancing like a dervish, butterflies rioting in them thence they commit the crimes.
When love ends and life has to continue, the lover commits the crimes.

Crimes of love, Holy Crimes, that the lover gets away with, and shall get away with.

Gospels of Damnation

“TVs today are over-pumped with concoctions of estrogen and testosterone, too much sex being advocated for by Safe Sex and Contraceptives Campaigns. There are too many adverts for hedonism, crime, violence, perversion, injustice, and vengeance.


She didn’t feel concerned at first, not until she glanced over her right shoulder and saw the men running, catching up on her, closing in. Within no time, they were onto her. One of the men slammed her to a wall, and before she could scream, an adhesive tape was stuck to her lips, sealing them as though to keep a secret. Plastic cables lashed her wrists and legs together.

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