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It was long after midnight when I woke up and realized Charlie had not come home, again. I didn’t want to think he was with someone else. I never did.

Over the lavender scent of AirWick I could smell the pungent stench. That’s how I knew he was somewhere in the house with an exorbitant amount down the drain, or because I was attuned to the fumes by the memory of my father. The reek hit me like a tornado and pushed me against the wall of back in time. On the contrary, I did not take the walk down memory lane though the past is the blueprint of the present.

In the toilet that’s where he was, propped against the toilet seat, his legs splayed out awkwardly. A bottle of Tusker lay on its side, dripping into a puddle that ran to where he sat. He held a second bottle by the neck. His eyes rolled back in their sockets, their whites an obscene gob popping out. He breathed in slow shallow gasps, and he had vomited on himself. Add peeing to that.

For an instance I couldn’t move a muscle, even my mouth to call him. A knot tightened around my chest making it harder and harder for me to breathe. A cold curl of fear unravelled at the pit of my stomach before the thought – he is dead – crossed my mind.

The he stirred. He began to waken. Without thinking, I took the bottle from him and emptied it in the toilet. Next thing was to help him up, but he was twice as big, and drunk.

You’re doing what a wife should, a voice whispered. It was my mother’s. She did it religiously till it killed her. Some other woman does it today.

I know, I told the ghost of my mother. It runs in the family.

But I knew it was the last time I was doing it; if not for me, for my daughter.

Imara Angani

The crew room at Laikipia Air Base was a flurry of activity and a cacophony of telephones ringing off the hook. Fighter pilot Major Ahmednasir Ramah sweated copiously inside his flight suit as he waited anxiously beside the telephone, glancing every few seconds at the crew-room clock.

Deep in his bones, he felt that either this mission would pass as a blip in his military career or it would be his last. Ramah held the telephone handset tight, raised it to his ear, and listened.


The first thing Mark Makori Omakori thought when he came to at Lang’ata cemetery was that he was dead and someone had forgotten to bury his body. He lay on

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