Too Busy for Life

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“That girl would slip through your fingers,” my mother said. “It’d be stupid of you.”
“And what makes you think so?” I asked her.
“Well, you know, she’s too patient with you, she understands you, and she’s caring. She’s the only one who’s persevered till this time despite your missing in action and disappearing acts,” mother told me.

“God, she loves you.”
“Absolutely,” I said. “And I would like to point out that our wedding plans are underway.”

“Underway? I don’t like that word. That’s what you said last time, before bolting to Somalia; and the last, before disappearing to God knows where.”
“Mom, don’t be so condescending.”
“Condescending? Me?” she seemed startled if not hurt. “I am your mother, and I need you to…”
“Marry.” I finished for her.
“Seems like you still remember.”
That got my father’s attention who had been playing fence-sitter all along.
“We want to see our grandchildren before we die,” he chimed in. “Look at your peers – Joseph, Peter and David – they all have grown kids.”
“Yeah, and that’s because I am too busy for such a life. Military ain’t the career for the family I want.”
“And what’s that?” asked my mother.
“I don’t want to be an absentee father and husband.”
“Cecilia understands this, and she loves you the way you are. Can’t you recognize gold when you
strike one?”
“Mom, I am too busy right now,” I said. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a plane to catch.”

Copyright ©Vincent de Paul, 2013.

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“And don’t tell me you don’t know when a lawyer is performing for the cameras too … even if the media weren’t there. You know how it is with clients. They like to see some drama for their money. That’s the babe of criminal lawyers.”

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