NEW RELEASES: Flashes of Vice – Volume II

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22 November, 2014
Front Cover

 Flashes of Vice: Vol II is the second book in the Flashes of Vice series. It is a collection of flash fiction stories touching on the vices affecting the society today: the holy trinity of life – money, sex & crime; terrorism and relationships. 


God Answered My Prayer

Against my better judgement and Mother’s advice, I followed the love of my life to the barracks. Soldiers are never there for their families,she told me. You were never there for me,I retorted, and you’re not a soldier.

Every time he leaves for another mission in Somalia, I pray: God, let him come back alive.

The Break Up

When my fiancée of three days, after seven years of dating, called and told me that she wanted us to talk, it did not occur to me that it was

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