NEW RELEASES: Flashes of Vice – Volume II

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22 November, 2014
Front Cover

 Flashes of Vice: Vol II is the second book in the Flashes of Vice series. It is a collection of flash fiction stories touching on the vices affecting the society today: the holy trinity of life – money, sex & crime; terrorism and relationships. 


A Song of Water and Fire

Between her legs, she was patchouli: earthy and musky smell,
          sweet yet smoky, a balance of sweetness and romance—
          and for the rest of the night, I tasted her tanginess.

Visitors of Warmth

This night, Pope John XII the Young shagged me rhythmically as if having sex with an African was a mystical ecstasy. When he looked into my eyes, I wondered what it really felt to listen to people’s sins, and no one listened to yours. When he emptied his holy seed in me, he rolled onto his side panting. I almost called his personal doctor, afraid his heart was attacking him.

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