Flights of Poetic Fancy Released today

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My bookFlights of Poetic Fancy, has been released today. 

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Flights of Poetic Fancy is a collection of whims, capricious enchantments and impulsive imaginations that attack the mind beguiled into visions and fantasies.

It is an aggregation of quarrels, musings, battles (rather not) fought, wounds and wooings, loves and agonies and all sorts possible nonsense and forgetfulness – anything and everything ghastly grim of the wandering mind – that possesses the mind and convinces it that no maxim and order has more sense than its thinking.

Flights of Poetic Fancy has a critical sensibility and humorous look at life, issues, vice and life while challenging the invention of history and beliefs strongly held by a people rather falling into despondency.

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Growing up, my bedroom would be invaded by phantoms, battalions of my father’s doppelgangers that besieged the whole room and stood guard over me like a besieged city and platoons of my mother’s ghosts; I guess her soul had never rested in peace.

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