A Song of Water and Fire

Between her legs, she was patchouli: earthy and musky smell,           sweet yet smoky, a balance of sweetness and romance—           and for the rest of the night, I tasted her tanginess.

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When I first met him, he was a wanderer, gypsy
          his eyes thirsty
          and his body fire—

Image by Freepik

When I first saw her, she was a wonder, water
          to put out fire.

Photo by Ric Rodrigues from Pexels.com

The fountain between my legs dripped, gushy
          from the same spot of a leaking roof.

Photo by John Rocha from Pexels.com

Fire burnt from the pit of my stomach, hot coals
          and I knew I had a home.

You will never wander anymore, Gypsy, I told him.

Between her legs, she was patchouli: earthy and musky smell,
          sweet yet smoky, a balance of sweetness and romance—
          and for the rest of the night, I tasted her tanginess.

Keep it that way, I told him and put out the fire.

Image by 0fjd125gk87 from Pixabay

Choosing Sides

“You either keep her as a friend or lose me as your wife.” “Lisa and I have been friends for – like what – forever? Jace, don’t tell me you


There was only one place to go, definitely not home. I was going to go missing. * I felt like a writer with a story and the end; and nothing

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